Automatic setup of backup account
Creates data copies faster, eliminating potentially complicated tasks subject to human error. Backing up your vital data can be time-consuming
Schedule backups from the panel
backups are performed on a daily basis, Monday to Friday. You can select the time to run the backup.
Restore from any backup point easily
Acronis panel, you can easily recover your data with a few clicks, full server,files or folder same location or new location or Download Files or Folder

VPS Servers
Eos eos accusam sed vero sit dolor sed duo, invidunt erat sea sanctus magna vero.
- Eos eos accusam sed vero sit.
- Nam harum.
- Sed quia consequuntur.
Start your business at just $13.8 / month
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Dedicated Servers
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui.
- Quidem rerum.
- Ut enim ad minima.
- Nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi.
- Accusam takimata diam.
- sea sanctus magna vero.
Start your business at just $76.7 / month
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Windows Dedicated Servers
Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque.
- Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat.
- Veritatis et quasi architecto.
- Neque porro.
Start your business at just $45.8 / month
View Plans
No. Acronis has its own product lifecycle and will not be automatically renewed with your VPS or Dedicated Server. You will have to renew it separately.
If you need more backup storage space you can go to the order management page and add more storage